EmpiricalAnalysis.net by Johann Liang
Analyze Baltimore City’s Victim Based Crime Data, Interactive Data Visualization; Python, D3
Slides from a talk given in Baltimore area meetups on how to use Apache Spark's python API; HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Slides from a talk given in Baltimore area meetups on how to use Google Maps JavaScript API; HTML, CSS, JavaScript
A web app to visualize Baltimore City's public art and mural locations on a responsive map; Google Map JavaScript API, jQuery, HTML, CSS
A web app to visualize Baltimore City's CCTV camera locations on a responsive map; Google Map JavaScript API, HTML, CSS
Analyze Baltimore City's 911 call log from 2015 to 2016; Python, Apache Spark, HTML, CSS
Find trends and features in Baltimore City's employee salaries data from 2011 to 2015; R, Rmd, HTML, CSS
Analyze Baltimore City's salary spending and employee tenure in 2015; R, Rmd, HTML, CSS
Use hierarchical clustering to cluster cities across the United States; Python, Git
Find the shortest route between buildings on a campus while minimizing the time spent outdoors; Python, Git
Use object oriented programming to simulate robotic cleaning of a room; Python, Git
Stochastically simulate the patient and the virus population dynamics; Python, Git
Stochastically simulate the effects of delaying treatment on patient disease and using cocktails to address drug resistance; Python, Git
Use a hash table to find pairs of distinct integers, from a list of a million, that sums to a specified value; Java, Git
Use QuickSort to compute the total number of comparisons used to sort 10,000 integers that are in unsorted order; Java, Git
Compute the strongly connected components in a digraph with a million+ vertices; Java, Git
Use randomized contraction to compute the minimum cut of an undirected graph; Java, Git
Use a heap to compute and sum the medians given a stream of 10,000 unsorted integers; Java, Git
Compute the number of inversions among 100,000 unsorted integers; Java, Git
Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest-path in an undirected weighted graph; Java, Git
* Carousel adopted from GitHub of Ildar Sagdejev